As we’re sure you are aware, understanding the ever changing world of investments has become both an increasingly demanding and important task for solicitors and trustees. Coupled with the duty of care requirements under the Trustee Act 2000, has diligent expert financial planning ever been more essential?
At CDG we value the relationships we have with fellow professionals such as yourself. So we looked long and hard at how working in partnership we could help you. What we realised was that to comply with the act it was imperative to foresee and understand the changes in the investment market. Then look to implement a structured review to aid you, your clients and trustees alike
The CDG Trust Review Service follows an approach that results in you as the solicitor and ourselves as the financial planner working together for the good of the Trustees and beneficiaries. When concerns are raised in relation to the Trustee Act 2000 we look to offer the solution. The process we follow ensures that Trusts are reviewed regularly, responsibilities are met and your clients benefit from a relationship with their professional advisers that will be truly valued.